Millions of women and children are being raped in conflicts. Rape is being used as a weapon to destroy not only the victims, but the entire community. Many are being tortured and killed in the process, and many survivors will never recover from the horrible abuse. Sexual exploitation is a fundamental violation of children’s an woman’s rights. It is an attack on human dignity and inhibits the social and economic development of a country.

"what can we do?" -Fredrik Skavlan / Norway (2014)

"you can give them a voice" -Dr. Denis Mukwege / DR Congo (2014)

This campaign serves to bring awareness on the systematical use of sexual violence (SGBV) as a weapon against women and children in DRC. To get the world’s attention towards this weapon of mass destruction that has been used for more than 20 years, and still continues... where the battles are being fought… on the bodies of women and children as battlefields.

I give women and children in DRC and across the globe a voice.

I give you my voice.


Please give YOUR VOICE by posting your contribution on YouTube / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter with #IGiveYouMyVoice.



1. Use the hashtag #igiveyoumyvoice on all your posts

(This brutality has to end, and the perpetuators must be held accountable! #igiveyoumyvoice)

2. Tell about the cause and contribute by using your voice in your way

(I give the women and children in DRC and across the globe my voice! When words alone cannot describe, I will scream/give my voice to all the victims of sexual violence! #igiveyoumyvoice)

3. Pass the challenge/awareness on

(I encourage my friend ´John´ and his company to give their voices too! #igiveyoumyvoice)

4. Scream! Sing! Read a poem! Paint! Play!  (etc) 

(in your own way; give your voice/talent by using your creativity) 

5. Post your contribution with #igiveyoumyvoice and pass it on by tagging new persons and networks is time for a far more emotional sound, that is rarely heard in the context of the western discussion of DR Congo. That sound resonates in Congo you can be sure, and maybe it is time we hear it here in the western part of the world.  I think a large group of people screaming in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of women who scream in isolation, may remove another brick in the wall of illusion that all is well out there."
- Peter Frantz, Executive Director and CoFounder of the Panzi Foundation USA 

This is a challenge where you can give them a voice - give them your voice. 
Dr. Denis Mukwege got awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize 2018 for his tireless work to end SGBV as a weapon. He is the founder of Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where he also work as a specialist surgeon treating molested women and children. His pledge to the world is that we give the victims a voice. To put pressure on governments, as well as the world society to prosecute and punish the perpetrators. It has to stop. You can help raise awareness by submitting your #IGiveYouMyVoice video, and challenge others to do the same. #IGiveYouMyVoice is a huge shout out for the injustice that women, children and men has to live with not only in the heart of Africa - DR Congo, but everywhere sexual violence is being used.

— Margrethe Wam Solvang


"The perpetrators of these crimes destroy life at its entry point. The women can no longer have children. Often they get infected with AIDS and will spread the disease. Their men are humiliated. So the perpetrators destroy the entire social fabric of their enemies, their communities, their future generations, without even killing the woman."
Dr Denis Mukwege




  • UN declared DR Congo as the rape capital of the world. READ

  • Even when the war is over, rape is used to control communities

  • According to the DRC Ministry of Gender, Family and Child Protection, at least 40 women are being raped in the conflict-ridden country every day. 


(or DONATE and support JOIN good forces work with Dr Denis Mukwege in DRC to stop sexual violence)

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