(or DONATE and support JOIN good forces work with Dr Denis Mukwege in DRC to stop sexual violence)


The background:

"What can we do?" Skavlan asks Dr. Denis Mukwege Friday October 24, 2014 on his talk show broadcasted to all of Scandinavia. 

It’s Friday evening an I’m relaxing at home, watching TV, eating food, and all of a sudden I feel so helpless. What can I do? What can I do to help the many women and children in DRC, that for far more than 20 years has been suffocating from sexual violence? Why are there no consequences? Dr. Denis Mukwege has for all these years tirelessly been reconstructing women piece by piece. How can these soldiers and governments go unpunished and carry on? Where is the outrage from the World?  How can we accept this? Seems like the world is turning its back on this, but what can I do? 

"We sit here today very comfortable in safety, and in a very different environment from Congo. And what can we do?" Skavlan asks.

My head was spinning. I live in Norway together with my family. I have a job I love, a family I adore, and a good life surrounded by good friends. I have the privilege of raising my children in a peaceful country. I am so blessed. My heart was beating out of my chest. Now that I know, I cannot simply turn the blind eye to this, and let it happen. Not on my watch.  

And Dr. Mukwege answers: "Reason to be here for me this evening is to try to get your voice. What we are asking the Nordic countries, is for them to give a voice to the Women of Congo. They need your voice. And it is only one way we can bring the policymakers to make the change to what is going on in Congo.  It is not a fight between tribes. It is not a fight between religions. It is not a fight between countries. It is a fight to get control of natural resources like minerals, and this mineral is used by all of us..."

It is not about culture, religion... it is about money. I think all of us have a responsibility to raise our voices to stop this kind of abuse. And out of this - #igiveyoumyvoice was born.


See the movies MAMA CONGO, and BABA BORA (created by Arild Kumar).




40% - 60% of the women treated at Panzi Hospital are unable to return home after medical treatment. Many are abandoned by their husbands and rejected by their families and villages due to the stigma associated with rape. Some are displaced due to the destruction of their homes or villages and some have no surviving family members. Others may be unable to live independently due to injuries or illness such as HIV/AIDS.

With no place to go, most attempted to live somewhere in the vicinity of the hospital. They were unable to afford school fees and adequate housing, putting their children in a cycle of vulnerability to continued violence.

Dr. Mukwege could no longer bear to send his patients back to the streets, so he founded Panzi Foundation DRC & Panzi Foundation USA to provide transitional housing and long-term care to the Hospital's patients.

 The Foundations' holistic programs include: 

  • therapeutic counseling,

  • job skills training,

  • math and literacy classes,

  • grants and loans for small businesses, and

  • outreach projects to rural communities.

The ultimate goal of the Foundations' programs is to heal the whole woman, her whole family, and her whole community, setting the entire region on a course towards lasting peace.

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